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Did change break you?

live love Jul 26, 2023
Have you considered that it doesn't take trauma or drama to break a person? Sometimes a loved one's relentless subtle messages that "you should change" tear away pieces of you in the same way as a naughty boy might strip the bark from a tree, oblivious that he might kill it!
Isn't change good? Not always! Change is only good when it keeps the core of who you are intact.
People tend to want you to change the part about yourself that grates on them—either because it is so different that they don't know what to do with it or that it is so similar that it freaks them out. You're like a meatball in their vegan casserole, or you're just like them, and remind them of the reason they don't stand in front of the proverbial mirror for more than a few seconds at a time ...
But what if that part they try to tear away is what makes you tick? Your essence? Your God-given design?
What about you do people try to change? I'd really like to know! And what does it do to you?
I'll go first ... People try to change my activity level. I am a Contra-Pine (a combination of a tenacious Rose Bush, dutiful Boxwood Tree, and intensely adventurous Palm Tree—everything BUT peaceful Pine Tree). I love constant learning, working towards goals, getting stuff done! I wilt when people try to change me into a laid-back regular break-taker or a risk-avoidant comfort seeker. I hate wasting time, so when they get me to waste time with them in the name of togetherness, I leave frustrated instead of bonded to them. I'll do something worthwhile, beautiful, adventurous, challenging, constructive, or productive with anyone anytime, though!
What is your tree type, and what attempts to change you leave you feeling broken?
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